It Feels Good!

October 10, 2008

I'm so excited! Wednesday, October 8, I had an article/interview published in the Southwest Daily News Moss Bluff editon. My husband gave me the idea of interviewing Johnny Harper several months ago. I thought it was a good idea since Mr. Harper is such a unique man.

I called him and asked if he would be interested in being interviewed about his business. Sharpening tools of every kind using old-fashioned tools and doing the work his grandfather taught him.

Life kept getting in the way of the interview. I became ill and was hospitalized. It took months to regain my health. I finally got the interview and it turned out to be more than an interview but a story of a boy and his love for his grandfather. It is a love story.

Two months passed before the article could be published due to Hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

The day finally arrived. I was thrilled! I'm sure people coming out of Market Basket thought I was nuts holding several copies of the small paper to my chest. I was jumping up and down, or trying to at least as much as one with Fibormyalgia can jump. My name was a by-line on the front page!

A small bit of disappointment tinged my happiness. The photo I sent wasn't there. I learned the photos didn't arrive until the day after the publication deadline. I still haven't figured that one out since I sent the photos in plenty of time.

I think I have found a new niche. One I've never considered. I have another interview scheduled all ready. It's with a friend from my local writer's group, Rodney Hennigan, who has a great story to tell about raising seven sons in southwest Louisiana. The Southwest Daily News is interested in more stories as long as they are about people living in southwest Louisiana.

Friends have been sending me possible market sources for stories like the one about Mr. Harper and coming story about Mr. Hennigan. I have discovered I love human interest and memoir style stories.

I'm still excited about this new energy of mine to write. I'm meeting some deadlines. I'm working on more than one project at a time. I feel confident. Oh, no, a bit of fear is trying to sneak into my bubble of excitement. I just don't think I'll let it.

It feels good!
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