And, away we go . . . I think. I hope.
I am happy, and a bit frightened, to tell you that I will be marketing my first publication. I have a memoir titled "Marryin' Sam's Card" in Patchwork Path: Wedding Bouquet Anthology. The memoir describes my wedding day complete with everything that went hilariously wrong. We eloped, but everyone knew where and why. In the days of the Keystone Kop Kapers my wedding day to Frank would have made a great skit. We were married on August 12, 1971. Soon to be 39 years ago. It will available in May, 2010.
The anthology will be available on Amazon or through me at nona143writer@yahoo.com I'm unsure how to go about this and I've asked for, and received, some excellent suggestions from friends in the writing world. So, let me share some of those marketing suggestions and my plans.
--Make it known that I have copies of the book and that it will be availble on Amazon. I'm doing that, but still feel like I should just be giving the books away. Can't do that though, can I, not if I want to make my writing worthwhile and get it out there?
--Blog, e-mail friends and family, send messages to my loops and groups, contact the local newspaper, book store, and my church. So, I'm blogging. I'm going to be sending out messages and contacting places in my community, including a quilting shop and bridal shop (thanks, Jess, for that suggestion). Question to those of you who do this frequently--how do you handle family and friends?
--The local used bookstore carries the works of local authors. They will carry mine.
--Carry copies in the trunk of my car. Make myself visible reading Patchwork Path: Wedding Bouquet.
--Offer bookmarks and arrange a book signing at the local book store and library.
--Enlist the help of others to sell the book. Good friends have other friends. Be brave. Don't be shy. Talk it up.
So, readers, wish me luck. Send me ideas.
Patchwork Path has accepted another memoir I wrote for the Christmas Stocking Anthology to be out in October, 2010. It is titled "Tea Set for an Angel." Maybe I'll be ready with marketing skills at that time.
On another note, I'm going to be adding some new blog sites to my list. Please check them out and support other writers. I've been away from the blog and writing for several weeks due to some family problems, but things are looking up.
Conferences are important. I'll be attending the Oklahoma Writers Federation (OWFI) conference next week in Oklahoma City. It sounds like an exciting conference with many learning and networking opportunities.
So, happy spring. Awake and rejoice! I hope all of you are well and happily writing.
Winona B. Cross
Patchwork Path: Wedding Bouquet "Marryin' Sam's Card" May 2010
Patchwork Path: A Christmas Stocking "Tea Set for an Angel" October 2010