Simple Appreciation

Appreciation. Such a simple word. Such a meaningful word. I've been thinking of that a lot lately. What, who, and why do I appreciate. Once my brain cells started on this journey I was bombarded with more samples of things I appreciate than I can comprehend. This knowledge has placed a new emphasis on my life. Some of the people I appreciate . . .

My husband, Frank, for 39 years of marriage through many ups and downs. My sons, Erick and Bill, for loving this Mama. All three for understanding when I was in nursing school and when I was able to work. I think sometimes I tended to put my career ahead of them. For that, I am sorry. My two daughters-in-law, Sierra and Sarah, for accepting this looney mother-in-law and for loving me. And, my two beautiful granddaughters, Rosalyn and Bailey. Now, I know what it means to have love come full circle.

My parents, now deceased, for loving, understanding, and supporting. My brother for the same. My extended family and the friends who have impacted my life over nearly 60 years.

I appreciate these people. I also hold a great deal of appreciation and admiration for the members of this crazy group of people called authors I am associated with--writers across the world. Writers at so many levels of success it's difficult to fathom. Mostly, I appreciate those who have known me since I first began writing. Writers Village University, Bayou Writers Group, and other on-line groups. Some I have the pleasure of knowing in person. Most I do not know personally. But, I know them. And, they know me. Writers are a most supportive group. They do not tend to eat their young as many other professions do.

Nowadays, I appreciate critiques. In the beginning, however, I took great offense and cried buckets of tears. They helped me. Thanks, Pamela Thibodeaux and Judith Leger. These ladies are now multi-published authors. I'm minimally published but work diligently at having more publishing credits.

I appreciate it when my dear muse visits me with new ideas. I just wish she would sleep at night.

I appreciate the Wild Okie Writers for allowing me to be a part of a series project. I'm not sure but I think I'm the only member of the group is not multi-published. What a great opportunity to learn.

Blogs. Such a new phenomenon. I have made many friends via blogs. I have learned much from blogs. Thank you, Christi Corbett, for sharing your love of the Oregon Trail.

Online workshops. I love them. Sometimes I tend to overload myself with them. I tend to go through reams of paper and many ink cartridges when I'm in the midst of a workshop. Thank you to all presenters and facilitators.

Conferences are the blood of opportunity for writers. The Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, LA holds a spectacular one day conference in November each year. I was privileged to attend and help with the first one. The Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc. (OWFI) offers a sensational two and a half day conference each year in May. This conference is attended by publishers, agents, and editors from all over the nation. The workshops are informative and full of life. Membership in writing groups and fellowship with other writers is what keeps most of us going. Writing is a solitary life. Often, when we're working it seems to others that we are daydreaming or just doodling.

All writers find inspiration in something. The "thing" that gives me the greatest inspiration is the beauty of creation. Life returning in spring, the heat of summer, the colors of fall, and the bleakness of winter.

Readers, think on the things and people in your life. What do you appreciate most? Why do you appreciate those things? When does the feeling of appreciation strike? Where does appreciation affect you most? How do you respond?
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