conference photos labeled part two

It seems I can't figure out how to add text to a post with photos. Need a hands-on tutorial since I'm such a visual learner. I have a love/hate relationship with my computer.

I will label the photos, but first I want to thank all of the donors of door prizes--40 of them. Thanks for above and beyond go to Harvey Honsinger and Curt Iles for providing the muscle when we arranged the tables and chairs.

My apologies for my lack of computer knowledge. I made the rather unprofessional decision to post the photos in this manner so others can see them. Next time, I will have the knack.

The photos from the previous post in order are:

1. Martha Sylvest a the information table
2. Chris Baldauf at one of three door prize tables. The blanket made by BWG member Hillene Deaton is on the right end.
3. Speaker and Senior Editor of Boy's Life magazine, Paula Murphey
4. The Lafayette Group--the picture is dark but Mindy, our extraordinary newsletter editor, is at the far end
5. Nona Cross and Rosie Deskin
6. Harvey Honsinger--doesn't he just look like a western author?
7. Beverly Martin, Conference Chair, Jessica Ferguson, Conference Committee, and Pamela Thibodeaux, BWG co-founder
8. Speaker and author Randy Denmon, BWG co-founder Randy Dupre, and Speaker Paula Murphey

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to every reader,

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