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BUILDINGS AS CHARACTERS: THE WEEKS MANSION, WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Often inanimate objects become prominent characters in our stories. They ta...
What is your favorite Christmas Song and Why?
Ah, Christmas . . . The month of chilly, sometimes cold, days. Hot chocolate. Reflection. Blessing. Gift-giving and receiving. Charity. And,...
Life and Reading
Gosh! This has been one of the craziest summers I can remember in both good and bad ways. The news first, I finished my manuscript "Hea...
August 4, 2014 AGING PRINCESSES Once upon a time there was a woman, aging by princess standards, who finally had the opportunity to go...
Romancing the Book: Interview & Contest with Sharon Sala
Romancing the Book: Interview & Contest with Sharon Sala
Liz Tyner--Oklahoma Author Interview
This month I am happy to feature Liz Tyner on my blog. I have to admit getting this blog together has been a trial because of illness on...
Meeting Janet K. Brown, Author
It is with the greatest pleasure that I am featuring my friend and fellow author, Janet K. Brown, on this post. She is taking off like a roc...
Contracts and Moving Forward
My goodness! I've received my first contract. It is for a novella I've written as part of a series 'Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll...
"The Visionary" by Pamela S. Thibodeaux
It is my great honor to focus this blog post about my friend, Pamela S. Thibodeaux and her new release "The Visionary," released b...
Self Promotion and New Publication
I am, once again, humbled and proud to tell you that I have a story in the new anthology Patchwork Path: Christmas Stocking . It is availabl...
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