On Rejections

Well, dear readers, I received another rejection. It arrived on an all ready horrific day. I've received other rejections, of course. This one had a particular impact and double whammy because just days before I had met and introduced the editor of the magazine , "The First Line," at our local Bayou Writer's Group writer's conference.

I had submitted weeks before the conference and was very excited about meeting Mr. LaBounty. As a daydreamer extraordinare I had fantasized about being told at the conference that my little story had been chosen.

I did my homework regarding reading some of the stories that had been published in the magazine. What didn't click is that my type of story--one of intense human emotion wasn't the generally accepted style. I understand that, especially after re-reading some stories from "The First Line," which is a literary journal.

I want to make it clear that I enjoy "The First Line" immensely. David LaBounty and his wife, Robin are enjoyable and interesting people. And, their children are just adorable.

I encourage readers of my blog to check out "The First Line," and submit. Of course, you can reach it at www.thefirstline.com

Now, I'm off to take care of errands demanding to be run. Then, back home to find a home for my story. I still think it's a good story despite the rejection. I wish you inspired writing and no more rejections . . .

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