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Talking with a Friend
Talking with a Friend
I just finished a phone call with a fellow writer. She and I are both history lovers. We're both working on novels taking place along the Oregon Trail. Hers takes place in 1843, mine in 1845. Maybe I'll figure out a way for her Kate to meet my Rebecca at the end of the trail.
Christi Corbett's blog is a must see. A must read. The link is When her book is published I think I'll fly from Oklahoma to Oregon just to have her autograph a copy for me in person.
Twice today I read the term "beta reader" in posts on an online class I'm taking. You might think everyone should know the term. I didn't. Actually, I stressed out over the fact that I might have to get some new sort of computerized, robotic machine. According to the posts I read a Beta Reader is a must have.
Dollar signs and dunce caps flashed through my mind.
I asked Christi about a Beta Reader!!!
Come to find out it's an invaluable PERSON who reads our work. Someone who proofreads and critiques and comments . . .
No heart attacks for me today. But, I must find a Beta Reader. Any takers?
Look for regular posts every Wednesday. And, a writing challenge every Friday . . .